Behavior Rehabilitation Services

It is the intent of A Village For One to serve the most vulnerable youth in the CSEC population by providing a safe and healthy living environment in which they can experience support, growth, and empowerment. 

Therapeutic Housing Program

Anisa’s Place

Opened in 2020, Anisa's Place is a therapeutic residential program for youth in the CSEC population ages 12-17 and currently involved with DHS. Anisa's Place is in Clackamas County and houses six female and female identifying youth at a time. Referrals must be placed through the DHS BRS process and referred youth must be a resident of Oregon.

Referral Process

Youth must be referred through the ODHS BRS process. Contact with any questions.

Therapy Goats at Anisa’s Place!

  • Elijah

  • Austin

  • Mama & Abuela

  • Madison

  • Cinnabon