Outpatient Services
Community-Based Services
A Village for One provides outpatient mental health services to youth, ages 12 to 25 and in Clackamas, Washington, and Marion County regardless of insurance coverage. Youth do not need to have confirmed cases of domestic sexual exploitation, but they need to be considered of high risk for this type of abuse. High Risk factors include but are not limited to: Running away, history of abuse, DHS involvement. Services are provided regardless of insurance. We aim to provide low barrier access through our community based services for both mental health counseling and case management.
Referral for Services
Referrals for services can be submitted by an individual, family member, natural support, or community partner agency such as DHS, Juvenile Justice, Care Coordinator, School Official, or other. Click here for referral form.
To ensure a referral has been received, please email one@avillageforone.org.
Mental Health Counseling
Mental health therapy is provided regardless of insurance and personalized to meet the unique needs of each individual.
Case Management & Resource Connection
To address unmet needs, we work collaboratively with individuals and community partners for case management and resource connection.
Clothing and Hygiene Access
Our Clackamas, Marion and Washington County offices have clothing boutiques containing essential clothing and hygiene items. Access to this closet is open to any youth in need.
Oregon Youth Authority
A Village for One has a contract with OYA to provide specialized mental health services for youth who have been identified as survivors of sexual exploitation, and are in closed custody at either Oak Creek or MacLaren Youth Correctional Facility. Referrals can be made by the youth's probation officer. All referrals have to be approved by the facility itself before being initiated.